Serving the Growth & Best Interests of High-Performing Facilities in the Equine Industry across the U.S. & CanadaAs a wide-reaching professional trade organization, the League of Agricultural and Equine Centers embraces a mission to support and promote management personnel and maintenance protocols at both American and Canadian agricultural and equine facilities. We are an indispensable resource for industry education, networking and member advocacy. We Can Help You & Your Facility NowEDUCATION is a core value at the League. We offer a comprehensive education series for facility directors, managers and staff covering industry-centric subjects such as:
THE ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM Our Annual Symposium is an unmatched, comprehensive educational experience that brings together in one location facility directors, managers and their respective staff from all over North America. In a three-day format combining professional speaker presentations, facility tours, round-table discussions, network gatherings, and social engagements, our Symposium engages various industry-specific topics and challenges and creates invaluable opportunities for attendees to discover solutions, raise questions and meet expert FOOTING ACADEMIES - INTRODUCTORY & ADVANCED Understanding equestrian footing is imperative to success. Provide two footing academies each year where facility managers/operators become certified in all aspects of arena footing Produce publications and manuals to continually educate all our members across the US. NETWORK OF PROFESSIONALS & RESOURCESConnect facilities across the US in order to share best practices, information, network, and refer business. Assist new or renovating equine facilities by providing knowledge gathered from our members. Partner with industry associations to keep our members up to date on the latest news, industry trends, and events. Help students or others who are new to the industry learn about the industry. A Word from A Member |
Hello from Texas! I am the Executive Director for the Nacogdoches County Exposition & Civic Center. In August of 2024, I will celebrate 21 years with the county. In addition to being a multi-functioning community event center, our facility serves as an Emergency Evacuation Shelter as well. In my capacity as Executive Director for the venue, I also wear the hat of Chief Coordinator for our PRCA Rodeo and our five-day County Fair.
Only being a member of the League since 2021, I still consider myself a newbie, compared to some of the other members who have been on the scene for nearly three decades. I must admit, attending my first Symposium felt like I had walked into someone else’s Family Reunion, where I knew no one. Naturally, I was a bit intimidated. League members from across the US were visiting and catching up with others on how things were going. What I was witnessing was networking in a relaxed social environment. Something we all can appreciate! In that moment, I made a decision to get the most of my membership by getting to know the friendly faces I was surrounded by. It didn’t take me long to start making connections and building my own relationships with members. It has been such a pleasure getting to meet other facility staffers. These are people I can call, email or text for advice anytime I encounter a challenging situation. Because of my membership with the League, I have gained confidence through friendships and education & knowledge from professionals in our industry. There is so much I love about the League, including the annual Symposiums and getting to tour other facilities. I always know I am always going to return home with a refreshed mindset and ready to take our venue to the next level.
Anita Scott, Executive Director
Nacogdoches County Exposition & Civic Center