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Welcome to the League of Agricultural and Equine Centers website and thank you for visiting!

Dedicated to serving the growth and best interests of high-performing facilities in the Agricultural and Equine Industries across the US and Canada.  

As a wide-reaching professional trade organization, The League embraces a mission to support and promote management and maintenance personnel and procedures at agricultural and equine facilities.  We are a primary resource for industry education, networking and member advocacy. 

We Can Help You & Your Facility Now

Education is a core value of The League. We offer a comprehensive education series for facility directors covering regulatory, judicial, insurance, human resources, maintenance, environment, financial and marketing expertise.

  •       Our ANNUAL SYMPOSIUM. The League’s Annual Symposium brings together facility directors and their respective staff from all over North America to discuss various educational topics in a structured and scheduled three-day presentation with round-table discussion format.
  •        Our CERTIFICATION PROGRAM. In conjunction with Middle Tennessee State University, the League proudly offers the industry’s only facility director certification program. The Certified Manager of Equine Centers (CMEC) is a program that recognizes directors who  have attained the highest levels of standards in the profession of equine facility management.
  •       Our FOOTING ACADEMY. The League’s Footing Academy offers enrollment twice yearly for hands-on instruction geared toward facility directors and staff to learn the basics and particulars of creating and maintaining optimal arena footing. Our Academy has designed two curriculums, the FA101 – Introduction to Footing that acquaints individuals with the basic principles of ideal footing and its development and the Advanced Footing Academy that builds on the FA101 principles to deepen, expand and apply each individuals’ knowledge and active skillset as required for addressing particular arenas with varying conditions and rider-needs.  

You Can Help the League & Our Mission Now

            While the League has many strengths on which its members can depend – including continuing education, networking forums, consulting services, strategic planning, marketing opportunities and more – our greatest strength is you.

Each Facility that joins and each director and staff member that engages with the League not only takes from it a great deal of value but also provides it. Our industry-specific trade organization allows you to benefit from education, networking and member advocacy and, equally important, encourages you to deliver it. You bring the expertise, the connections, the influence and the inspiration to the League. Join us today and help us strengthen each other and our dynamic industry.

The League of Agricultural & Equine Centers

P.O. Box 5537

Aiken, South Carolina 29803


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